Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release can be the answer to resolving a variety of pain conditions. It is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying extremely gentle, sustained pressure into your fascial system. It can locate and release tension and restrictions that have built up over many years, and therefore can have a profound effect on your overall health and wellbeing.
So, what is fascia?
Fascia is a very specialized system in our body. It resembles an elaborate and very densely woven web that surrounds and interconnects every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, vein, and all of our internal organs. Just like the yarn in your sweater, it is one continuous structure, existing from head to toe without interruption.
Because of fascia…
Every part of your entire body is connected to every other part
The location of your pain may not necessarily be the source of your pain.
Under normal healthy circumstances
Fascia is smooth, relaxed and flexible. This allows your muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels and organs to move freely, so you can meet the demands of your life and do what you love without pain or restrictions.
Under stressful circumstances
Fascia becomes hard, tight and restricted and can cause intense pain and limitations to motion, like an internal straitjacket. Repetitive stress, poor posture, physical or emotional trauma, surgery and chronic inflammation can all lead to restrictions in fascia.
Because standard diagnostic tests such as x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, and electromyography do not show myofascial restrictions, many people with myofascial restrictions are undiagnosed and even misdiagnosed.
Myofascial release treatments can locate and release these hidden restrictions and save you from hours and hours of wasted time treating the wrong area and days or even years of taking unnecessary medication or suffering through daily activities.
Among the many benefits of Myofascial Release:
Decreased Pain & Stiffness
Improved Joint Mobility and Overall Flexibility
Improved Posture
Improved Blood Circulation
Decreased Inflammation
Decreased Scar Tissue Adhesions
Decreased Muscle Soreness, Spasms or Cramping
Decreased Headaches and Improved Focus and Concentration
Improved Muscle Function & Motor Control
Enhanced Athletic Performance/Faster Workout Recovery
Decreased Risk of Injury
Calming of the Nervous System
Increased Energy Levels
Restored Sense of Wellbeing
Restoration of the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal
If you want relief from your aches, pain or limitations to movement, myofasical release may be the answer you’ve been searching for.
Find out how we can help … choose the option below that works best for you.